Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Next Global Conflict, begins in 2011

My name is Thomas Reed, and I think you'll live to see the next global conflict. I've Just got a hunch and some info that the war will come. I want to be a war Writer in that age so I'm gonna start now. "Right now it's just absurd fiction" but the future is stranger than we can ever imagine. I think Charlie Stross' "prediction error bars, for SF "are the blindness of gutless-conservatism for the truth of pessimistic-futurism. We are going to have to kick major ass this century, some of it our own.

So here are some predictions. Part two will be ready next week.
feel free to use them however you wish, hope you like them.

an intro to "The Psycho Century" my sequel to R.A.H's "future history"

Creative Commons License

The Next Global Conflict, begins in 2011 by Thomas Reed is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

Part I -"The Great Splits"

Sometime in the next couple years the ball will get rolling on the greatest damn war since Hitler took Paris. First thing is America has to be shit on again by Arab Muslims, we'll leave "Dar al-Islam" in shame and put Persians in charge. Before we've left, the famous "Insha'Allah" timing system will motivate a "Tet offensive" style massed wave attack against both Americans and Persians. You're gonna want to have popcorn and videotape that day, sometime around Feb 5th 2012. If your a soldier there dig a damn deep foxhole for all the ammo.

Americans and Persians will fight side by side against silly "Red-shirt" Arab assaulting entrenched positions. We'll be slapping each-other on the backs as we leave, Persia will become like Israel is now, in Americans minds. I Wish I was a marine there just so I can see it in person. Oh well, we'll mow down the first wave or two before they breach our lines, then we get to the slaughtering by CQB. Imagine being ordered to fix bayonets as every pussy Shi'ite, who wasn't man enough to fight openly, runs at you. Marines snapping Arab necks left and right gutting the "The Allah Akbar crowd."

I can see the cover-ups of the massacre now. The PC crowd is going to go ape-shit when pictures of mutilated bodies turn up. Like the one where two Arabs hold down a Persian while the third mutilates his face. One of our marines will run up and blow away that prick then take a trench knife to the others. He'll be awarded whatever the Persian equivalent to the Victoria cross is and we'll drop his enlistment, Figures don't it.

After we're gone its "heads on pikes" time all across occupied Arabia, we might even tell the UN to "stuff it" and arm the Persians, with our "heavy metal swords," they'll use em on Arabs if we back em up with the UNSC veto. I can see Tora Bora getting dosed by a one-eyed Persian with American sanctioned "Ventilate Terrorists Act" contract from Uncle Sam.

The Oil Crisis drags on and gets worse for our Russian friends. the Far East starts agitating like crazy. Russia goes all to hell internally and the EU/PRC settle up the border splitting her into east and west Russia along a Siberian line after a short "'Russian Internal conflict"
So the EU starts in on Russia, they shift the French/German Divide in Germany's Favor.
France gets UK in ASAP to counter this, "outrage." So begins, the EU split along the Vienna->Brussels Line.

Next week, "New American Renaissance."

vist http://phychotic-century.blogspot.com/ for updates

Saturday, July 25, 2009

My Second work

The following is a "Heroic-Conservative" work of hope-filled fiction driven by my rage at all that America has done wrong since 1964:
"Getting Them by the Balls" v1.0


by Thomas Reed

Creative Commons License
"Getting Them by the Balls" by Thomas Reed is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.

Notice: Staring a fictional FDR like version of a possible future Presidential candidate: "Timothy M. Kaine" as #45 "Uncle Sam" "Timothy the Lionhearted"

"...So What are we to do? roll over and play dead like we've done since '64?
No we must get them by the balls so we may cause them to fear us!" ~ Uncle Sam

"We now know that inflation is caused in a Fiat money system by hoarding, plain and simple, there's no magical reason." - Economics Artist and Amero Czar J. "Les" Lescher.

Notice I say near'marrow a (Dollar Czar) Timothy Geithner "The United States Secretary of the Treasury" makes it offical by executive order:

by executive order
2014 North America Economic Re-Balancing Act:

Effective January 1st 2016 the only legal currency In North America will be the Amero. we will release only 100 trillion notes in the next 100 years. Each Amero will have the legal value and backing of 1/1,000,000,000,000 or 0.000000000001% of the full value of North America. defining the value of an Amero (a16,187.42) Ameros/Acre or 0.24709 m^2 real property, or the estimated value of $16.9818. Fractions of the Amero(fa) 1/100th Amero: $0.169818 (a.01).

Ameros will not be transferable to dollars after 1/1/2010. No American will be allowed to own more than a1,000,000 physically or electronically unless in a qualified investment/bond/stock/Gold Bullion etc.

No foreign investment in dollars will be acknowledged ever again on pain of "Nuclear Annihilation."
Any form of bankers strike will be met with the Executive Order to "Jump you Fuckers!"

"this is an executive order to hand me the bankers' balls"~ Uncle Sam
by executive order
The 2014 Fairness to Americans Act:

I. If you will not house America we will take your excess houses.
II. If you will not feed America we will take your excess farms.
III. If you do not Lend/Buy/Build/Act American we will take your excess money.

"traitors/criminals" will be executed/exiled on level of crime

"Do not fuck with us"~ Uncle Sam


I'm Not sorry to say it! I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take this Horse-shit Anylonger! ~Uncle Sam

The End*

*(for now) -Tom
-Thomas Reed, my SF writings may soon appear in print soon and my blog is http://teophanytomcage.blogspot.com/

- if you are a fiction & fantasy publisher and looking for a young "hotshot" SF writer, get in touch. Know that Baen/Tor has first dibs though.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

let there be light

I see the globe before me as it is right now and I may see it at any time past or future. This globe has every detail from weather pattern to microbe and more. The gods bid me change it however I wish, the muse grants me an Idea and I do.

Today a muse spoke to me.

Today I was given an epiphany. Upon this site I will endeavor to share it with you.

the basic idea for the story set provisionally entitled: "The Psycho Century" emerged nearly in a complete form in my mind upon waking between 3:15 & 3:45 AM Tuesday July 21st 2009 AD. I was not worried by this revelation only excited to share it. This will be my conduit for description.

Ta Ta T.